Tales of Teddy

uncompromising quality and love for dogs

All Posts Training Teddy

Training Teddy: Squeaky Balls

Two tips taught at our Puppy Class: 1. When you take your dog out, you need him to be focused on you, and 2. You can practice recall with anything, so long as your dog really, really likes it.
Lately, Teddy seems to have forgotten that when I call, he is meant to come. Maybe it’s all the happy summery smells to investigate, maybe it’s a touch of teenage bolshiness, but his old favourite lure – cooked chicken – is no longer doing the trick.
I picked up a squeaky toy ball at the vet last week and it turns out that Teddy is crazy for it, butting me with his nose when he wants another game of catch. So the ball came with us on the Heath yesterday and what a result: one small squeak and Teddy comes running. So now, along with spare poo bags, I’ll be finding squeaky toys in my pockets.

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