Tales of Teddy

uncompromising quality and love for dogs

All Posts Friday Find

Friday Find: Doggy Cartoons

It can’t just be me who knows exactly what kind of voice their dog would have if he could speak. I recently found Rupert Fawcett’s Off The Leash series of daily dog cartoons. Delivered via Twitter, Facebook and blog, these brilliant snapshots of a dog’s quandaries would make any dog owner, and others besides, smile: Fawcett has nailed the crazy world of dogs and their owners. Speaking of which, and in case you would like to know, should Teddy ever care to speak his voice would be gruff and slightly ponderous, always questioning, extremely conversational and similar to that of Paddington Bear in the 1970s animated series. By the by, I think it’s no coincidence that Teddy also has the Peruvian bear’s inscrutable stare down pat.

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