Tales of Teddy

uncompromising quality and love for dogs

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Teddy Loves…His Harry Barker Rope Bone

Trying to identify the lure of choice for your picky hound can be tricky – a toy that some dogs will turn cartwheels for will leave others cold. Teddy has always liked a rope toy so long as someone is on the other end of it making it skitter and slide, but there’s only one rope toy that he is interested in playing with on his own: Harry Barker’s Cotton Rope Bone Dog Toy. He was given one as a pup (see above, one hairy, happy Ted) and promptly set about trying to demolish it. For this feisty Mini Schnauzer, getting his teeth into the (organic, recycled cotton) fibres, shaking them about and untangling the chords is heaven. (And yes, we keep an eye on him as he sets about his task.)
Then there are the added bonuses: chewing on the soft cotton helps keep teeth and gums clean, you can wet then freeze these rope toys to help relieve discomfort in teething puppies, and you can clean them in the washing machine on a gentle cycle.
I’m currently stocking up (I buy them locally at Hair of the Dog). Recently the vet has told me that I should be able to feel Teddy’s ribs when I lay my hands on his sides – as opposed to having to dig deep. I’ve decided these cotton bones may be an investment worth making – a busy-making, no-cal alternative to hiding treats, or giving him foodie chews.

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